Is Vertigo a Sign of Serious Disease?

Is Vertigo a Sign of Serious Disease?

Most of the time, vertigo is nothing to write home about and will often clear on its own. If you experience dizzy spells or the sensation of feeling off-balance, you may have vertigo without knowing. However, if the world around you is spinning while you’re sitting still, it could point to a more serious condition. Learn common causes of vertigo and how to know if it’s something more serious from the Vestibular Rehabilitation Specialists at One Accord Physical Therapy, with offices in Casa Grande, Gilbert, and Phoenix, Arizona.

Causes of vertigo

Common causes of vertigo usually involve some form of inner ear problem. If you’re confused on how that can cause the room to spin, you’re not alone. When we complete our daily activities, we don’t often think about how our inner ears help to maintain balance throughout our body in collaboration with Earth’s gravitational pull. When our balance is off, it can cause a host of other problems, including nausea and migraine headaches. Other symptoms of vertigo include:

Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo 

Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, or BPPV, occurs when the tiny particles of calcium in our ears become loose or dislodged, moving about to throw ear and brain signals out of balance, along with the rest of our body. It’s common and most often associated with age. 

Meniere’s disease

This inner ear disorder involves fluid movement and buildup that causes a change of pressure. The most common complaints of Meniere’s disease involve prolonged episodes of vertigo, sharp ear pain, hearing loss, and tinnitus. 

Vestibular neuritis

Referred to as labyrinthitis, this inner ear problem is a regular occurrence in small children. Often viral, the infection associated with vestibular neuritis can cause painful inflammation that pinches nerves necessary for balance regulation. 

Although less common, vertigo may be a sign that something serious is happening. More severe conditions to watch for include:

Unfortunately, more severe causes of vertigo cannot be ruled out without a diagnosis. If you experience any combination of symptoms associated with vertigo, it’s essential that you have it checked out by the inner-ear experts at One Accord Physical Therapy before moving forward.  

Diagnosis and treatment for vertigo

Proper diagnosis is only one part of the vertigo puzzle. At One Accord Physical Therapy, our team of experts have post-graduate certifications as Vestibular Rehabilitation Specialists. Fortunately, this means that we can not only diagnose the cause of your vertigo, but also effectively treat it. Our drug-free options for successful treatment work in as few as 1-3 visits. 

At One Accord Physical Therapy, we work hard to cure your inner-ear problems without the use of drugs. For a free consultation or appointment, give One Accord Physical Therapy a call, or use our online scheduling tool. 

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