Types of Headaches Caused by Whiplash

Whiplash, a neck injury caused by a forceful and rapid jerking of the neck is a pretty common problem from auto accidents and athletic activity. There are 3 million new whiplash incidents each year and half of those often become chronic conditions. Symptoms can appear weeks or months after an accident and they can affect several types of headache as well as problems with the neck.

If you think you have suffered from whiplash you will require quality care and expertise to heal. Dr. Sean Flannagan and the staff at One Accord Physical Therapy can put you on the road to recovery with years of experience helping people with whiplash and other injuries.

How whiplash causes headaches

Since whiplash is caused by the rapid movement of the neck it also causes potential problems with the head. And there are a number of ways to get whiplash without being in a car accident, including sports injury, falling off a bike or being physically struck hard unexpectedly. 

Any of these can cause the jerking of the neck that comes with whiplash. Headaches are a common sign of whiplash and the cause of the whiplash can determine how serious the headaches can get. 

Types of whiplash headaches

Whiplash can cause problems with neck muscles, nerves, ligaments, spine and other issues, all of which can create a variety of headaches, including:

Most of these headaches can become chronic and last for years after a whiplash injury. So diagnosis and treatment as soon as possible is always recommended.

Treatments for whiplash headaches

For the different types of whiplash headaches the general methods to alleviate symptoms are a combination of:

But full treatment may consist of a combination of these and other treatments based on your symptoms. 

So if you’re suffering the effects of a whiplash headache don’t hesitate to make an appointment with Dr. Flannagan and One Accord Physical Therapy to find a treatment that works for you.

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